Saturday 18 October 2014

Literary Event

Here is one last post regarding the Ex Voto exhibition. On the closing night, a reading was held.  The works were developed organically after a series of meetings between the writers and the visual artist. 

Originally, the participants were KUL (Kit Azzopardi and Leanne Ellul), Glen Calleja and myself.  As soon as the project started being promoted on social media networks, Antoine Cassar expressed his interest in the theme of the Ex Voto project, and was welcomed on board. 

The event turned out to be an intimate session, where the audience was taken round the exhibition space. the writers set themselves next to the artwork that mostly reflected their writing, along with an object they picked up and which served to introduce the audience to what they were to expect from every writer. 

One can read and download the writings from:

Wednesday 15 October 2014


The Ex Voto exhibition is over, with the works stored away in my ever diminishing storage space, and others that are proudly hanging on the walls of their new owner. I must say that I am very satisfied with how the whole project turned out.

The attendance on the opening night was a remarkable one, and so was the feedback from the public.