Tuesday 23 July 2013

Escorts go on Show

Having published my series of car crashes just online last December, these prints are currently on show at Guy Lee's Tattoo Studio in Mellieha, next to Luna Holiday Complex.  A series of 8 prints with editions of 10 each, the show will be open until September.

It was great working with the other participants, and most of us took the challenge of transforming the space provided into a professional exhibition area.  It is the ethos of the place, that the space is to be shared by artists who wish to exhibit their work in an event that is free from the connotations often found within a conventional art gallery. Artists are free to change their work, or give their space up for other interested artists to use at anytime.

The artists exhibiting are: Aaron Bezzina, Christian Micallef, Hello Jon, Krista Sullivan, Ryan Falzon, Sarah Borg and Sean Camilleri. Works exhibited ranges from from sculpture to prints to typography.

Thanks go to Guy Lee for providing such a space in which to exhibit and for giving so much energy and time for all of this to succeed, Sarah Mamo for helping me set up, all of the other artists and Nicky Scicluna for the photos.

The opening hours are Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 7pm.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

First week of July: Titlaq/Tasal

On 6th July, we did our first evening event at our studio, entitled Titlaq/Tasal.  Dealing with the theme of journeys, we created an interdisciplinary project between young artists and authors along with established ones.  While setting up the event, we kept in mind our concept that we are to share our space with as many others as possible.

We asked Glen Calleja to co-ordinate the whole session. Having helped Glen with "Ir-Ragel" in July 2012, and "DIXX" in April 2013 and taking part in Tahziz, a creative writing program which Glen is coordinating (and in which I am partcipating), I was sure that Glen would help us to deliver our concept and ideas in the best manner possible.

From the beginning, it was made sure that it was not going to be the usual reading, where audience sits on a hard wooden chair, listen to readings and flock off to get their cheese and wine. On Glen's suggestion, we decided that the writing submitted by young author was to be read by established ones, to give the readings another dimension and allow room for collaboration between authors.

 The final set up consisted of three tables which the participants sat around in an informal and random manner.  Particular readers were assigned to a table, and they read out writings in a very personal manner.  The process, with different writings, was repeated a second time.  So the extracts that the audience heard were all based on chance; everyone heard the readings that were assigned to a particular table.

The space inside the windmill which we usually work in was transformed into an exhibition space, with artists exhibiting artworks that again dealt with the idea of a journey.  Works shown ranged from drawings by Sabrina Calleja Jackson, lino prints by Ryan Falzon, works in mixed media by Sarah Maria Scicluna and Fabio D' Amato, and an installation entitled "Thabbira" by Andrea Zerafa.

Along with the artists, kind thanks go to the authors who submitted their writings, which are the following: Marie Gion, Ryan Falzon, Simon Sultana Harkins, Leanne Ellul, Martha Vassallo and Nigel Baldacchino, who also performed a song off his upcoming album.Thanks also go to Albert Gatt, Simone Inguanez, Caldon Mercieca, Rita Saliba for reading, and to Glen Calleja.  The place was kindly given to us for free by Zurrieq Local Council.

All photographs used above were taken by Mauro D'Amato from Ready.Set.Go.

And finally, here's my installation of lino prints entitled "Tivjagga biex Titrejjaq".  My idea was all about journeys that I don't do anyone since I have outgrown the need for them. Photo taken by Sabrina Calleja Jackson.